849 International Drive, Linthicum, MD, 21090
Please review the RVT Application Guidance before submitting this form. Applicants should anticipate at least 90 days for formal consideration of an application.
Please note, to be considered a complete submission for review, MCA must be able to review the finished RVT training product (i.e., LMS course and any supplementary materials) as it would be experienced by Maryland cannabis business agents. The 90+ day review period does not start until the finished training product is received by MCA. Please be sure to complete all audio, graphic and design features before submitting your RVT application. After form submission, no further changes to the materials are permitted during the review process unless they are specifically requested by MCA. An applicant must provide any additional information requested by MCA during the review process within 30 days. Failure to do so may result in the denial of an application.
The non-refundable $500 application fee (Exhibit B) must be paid in the form of a cashier's check or money order made payable to the "Maryland Cannabis Administration" and mailed to: Maryland Cannabis Administration, Attn: Finance, 849 International Drive, 4th Floor, Linthicum, MD 21090.
Documentation supporting the applicant business is in good standing (upload incorporation and/or other relevant documents)
Principal Address: Street Address of Business
Mailing Address - if different from Business Address
All uploads must be clearly labeled with Exhibit and Name, e.g., Exhibit B "Application Fee"
Exhibit B "Application Fee" (upload photocopy or scan of $500 cashier’s check or money order, as required in Table 1, Exhibit B)
Exhibit C "Owners" (upload a list of owners and signed MCA Conflict-of-Interest Attestation. (See pg. 7 in the Responsible Vendor Training (RVT) Application Guidance) from each owner, as required in Table 1, Exhibit C)
Exhibit D "Key Personnel" (upload all details for each Key Personnel, as required in Table 1, Exhibit D, and signed MCA Conflict-of-Interest Attestation(s). See pg. 7 in the Responsible Vendor Training (RVT) Application Guidance)
Exhibit E "Course Outline" (upload all detail for Course Outline, as required in Table 1, Exhibit E)
Exhibit F "Electronic Training Materials for COMAR—Cannabis Business Agents core elements" (upload all materials as required in Table 1, Exhibit F, including LMS access if applicable)
Exhibit G "Testing Methods and Materials" (upload all materials, as required in Table 1, Exhibit G)
Renewal Applications Only: Exhibit H "Renewal Application Materials" (upload all materials as required in Table 1, Exhibit H)
I acknowledge and agree to the following:1) No owner or employee of the RVT applicant has employment by or interest in a Maryland Cannabis licensee or registrant, 2) Curriculum materials must be current and must be updated within 30 days of rule changes, and 3) Records will be kept for a minimum of four (4) years and provided upon request